Psalm 34b
Psalm 34:12-22
My children come, attend to me;
Learn how to fear the Lord.
If many days and good you’d see
Do this, if life’s adored, -
All evil speech your tongue must spurn,
Your lips to lies be barred.
Do what is good, from evil turn;
Seek peace, pursue it hard.
The Lord’s eyes on the righteous rest,
His ears attend their cry;
The Lord’s face evildoers against
So that their name will die.
The righteous cry, the Lord he hears;
From all their woes he saves.
The Lord to broken-hearts is close
The downtrod soul he saves.
The righteous may have many woes
The Lord all these will take;
He will protect all of his bones,
Not one of them will break.
By woes the wicked will be slain;
The foes of righteous men will fall
To judgement pre-ordained,
The Lord redeems his servants all.
The Lord his servants will redeem;
Not one will he condemn
Who will to him for refuge come.
Amen, amen, amen.