i loved her hair

I knew a woman
I loved her eyes
She put on glasses
Now hear my sighs

I knew a woman
I loved her hair
She changed the colour
I was in despair.

I knew a woman
I loved her face
She changed her make up
I sunk without trace.


I saw the limes in the sugar bowl

I saw the limes in the sugar bowl,
Placed there before she left for work.
Reminding me, God is good.

I walked over the hill to Highgate,
Drank a black coffee while I read,
Reminding me, God is good.

Back at home my son's new 'phone had come,
How pleased he was it had arrived.
Reminding me, God is good.


My Coffee Card

Someone will use my coffee card,
When I'm dead.
It's not likely I'll use my points,
Then decease.
No, I'll have so many and then
On the street or in bed
I will depart this earthly life.
At last my life will cease
Then my coffee card they will see,
And use the points and think of me.


Outside my window

Outside my window, there stands a tree
Its leaves are blowing in the wind.
The sun is shining down on me,
On life's Author my hopes are pinned
For he's the God who sent his Son
Who by his death my love has won.

Night has fallen, the blinds are closed,
I cannot see the scene outside.
To saddest thought my mind's disposed,
I think of all the tears I've cried.
But soon the glorious day will come,
No longer will my heart be numb.


The shape I'm in

I've tried to see it from different angles,
The truth is I'm emotionally wreckt.
Pent up frustration inwardly strangles,
Oh exaggeration, nothing correct.

But now at last I have been he'pt to see
I ought not to have made such a demand,
Should have been a real non-starter for me.
So here on the deck of the ship I stand
Trying to shape up and see what went wrong,
Now I'm all alone and my Polly gone.