Psalm 41


Blessed he who to the weak shows care;
The Lord in times of strife
Will save; the Lord that man will spare,
He will protect his life.

The Lord will bless him in the land,
Yield not to his foes’ will.
When sick, the Lord will strength command,
Raise him from bed when ill.

'O Lord show mercy', this I said
'For I've wronged you. Heal me.'
'When will he rot, his name be dead?’
Harsh speaks my enemy.

Whenever one on me attends,
He lies. Meanwhile his heart
Amasses slander, then he spreads
These things to every part.

Against me all my foes conspire;
The worst for me conceive,
‘A vile disease will him bemire;
His bed he'll never leave.’

My close friend whom I learned to trust,
Who with me shared my bread,
Has his raised heel against me thrust
But you have mercy, Lord.

O raise me up, let me repay.
I know you’re pleased with me,
My enemy holds not full sway,
My ruler he'll not be.

You do in my integrity
Uphold me constantly
And in your presence you set me
For ever more to be.

So bring your praise the Lord before,
The God of Israel praise,
From evermore to evermore
Amen, amen, always.

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