Psalm 40b

Psalm 40:11-17
Ballerma CM

O Lord, your mercy don’t withhold,
With love and truth surround.
For troubles vast and manifold
All round me now are found.

My sins in front of me have sped
I cannot see ahead.
They’re more than hairs upon my head,
Within, my heart is dead.

Be pleased, O Lord, me safe to make:
To help me, Lord, make haste.
May all who seek my life to take,
Be brought down and disgraced;

May all who ruin for me seek
Turned back, lose their good name.
May those ‘Aha! Aha!’ who speak,
Be shocked at their own shame.

But all who seek for you, may they
Be glad in you with joy;
Let all who love your grace still say
‘The Lord be lifted high!’

Yet needy still I am and poor,
Lord, think of me, I pray.
My deliv'rer, my help, you are;
My God, O don't delay.

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