Psalm 5


Hear my words, Lord, see my sighing,
Hear my prayer for help; draw near.
God, my King, to you I’m crying,
Lord, my voice each morn you hear.
I before you lay my plea
And I wait expectantly.

You take no delight in evil;
Wicked men with you can’t stay.
From his face he drives proud people;
You hate all who go astray.
You destroy those who tell lies;
Cheats and murderers you despise.

But by mercy, I’ll find entrance,
I will come into your house,
Bow towards your shrine in reverence,
Lead, O Lord, in righteousness -
Make your way run straight for me,
Save me from each enemy.

You can’t trust a word they’re saying,
With destruction their hearts filled.
Open graves their throats, tongues lying,
Be their guilt, O God, declared!
May they fall by what they planned,
Rebels for their great sins banned.

All who find in you a shelter,
Let them ever sing for joys.
Spread your wing o'er them, Protector,
Those who love your name, rejoice.
Surely, Lord, the good you bless,
Like a shield around, your grace.

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