Psalm 36


An oracle within now hear
Of sinners' wicked ways:
So evil he, there is no fear
Of God before his eyes.

For self he far too readily
Flatters in his own eyes,
For him iniquity to see
Or to his sin despise.

The words of their mouths - wickedness,
By them men are deceived.
No wisdom do they now possess,
From doing good they've ceased.

They evil plot upon their bed;
On sinning they're intent,
Committed, in that way they're led,
From wrong they won’t relent.

Your love, O Lord, soars to the sky,
To heaven your goodness leaps.
Your righteousness, like mountains high,
Your justice, like great deeps.

O Lord, to man and beast you’re kind.
How priceless your great love!
Both high and low among men find
Your wings their shield above.

They feast on your gifts that abound,
Drink at your stream delight.
With you the fount of life is found;
In your light, we see light.

To those who know you, your love be
Continued all their days.
Your righteousness, may good men see,
Whose hearts seek upright ways.

Let proud feet not come against me,
Nor wicked hands uprise,
The evildoers fallen, see.
Thrown down, they’ll never rise!

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