Psalm 148
Praise to the Lord. Praise God from
Praise him above so far.
Praise him all angels, hosts of heav’n.
Praise him sun, moon and star.
Praise him O highest heavens, give
Praise him you streams above the skies.
Let them the name of God give praise.
He spoke and they were made.For evermore he set their place,
His Word must be obeyed.
His sure decree can’t pass away
So they must praise his name each day.
Praise give to God throughout the
All creatures of the seas;Lightning, hail, snow; clouds, winds that serve;
Hills, mountains; cedars, trees;
Beasts of the wild beneath the sky,
Small creatures, cattle, birds that fly.
Kings of the earth, their people too,
Princes and heads on earth,Young men and maidens, old men too,
And children from their birth,
Praise God’s great name, the name so high;
His splendour is above the sky.
He for his people’s raised a horn,
Of all his saints the praise.
Of Isra’l, those whom he has borne,
Close to his heart always.
So give all praise to God again
Praise to the Lord, praise God, Amen.
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