The Fantasist 3
His mind
Was on Mindy
Over Maendy
While in Somerton Place
In an embrace
With Grace.
This blog chiefly contains metrical versions of the psalms based on the NIV text but also poems I have written down the years
His mind
Was on Mindy
Over Maendy
While in Somerton Place
In an embrace
With Grace.
0 comment(s) Labels: fun, poem, The Fantasist
From the verandah he had a gander at Amanda,
As he sat in the flat with Cat.
See also here
0 comment(s) Labels: fun, poem, The Fantasist
0 comment(s) Labels: poem
Don't be apprehensive
About the comprehensive
0 comment(s) Labels: poem, school
0 comment(s) Labels: Aberystwyth, poem
A voice I hear, a voice I know,
It speaks the words I love,
"Praise him from whom all blessings flow"
Let's praise the One above.
0 comment(s) Labels: A voice I hear, poem
0 comment(s) Labels: poem, The loneliest day
I cried to the Lord from the deep
O Lord, hear my voice as I weep.
My Lord, listen closely to me
I cry to you, Lord, set me free.
If the Lord kept a record of sin
Then who could stand up before him?
Through Christ there is forgiveness,
Therefore holy fear shall be his.
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
My hope is in all his Word states.
My heart keeps waiting for the Lord
Like a watchman who waits for the dawn.
Hope now in the Lord, be humble,
The God of love will not stumble.
Through him the full price has been paid,
On Christ all our sins have been laid.
(Based on Psalm 130)
0 comment(s) Labels: Hymn, LM, poem, Psalm 130
0 comment(s) Labels: 2 Thessalonians
0 comment(s) Labels: Deuteronomy
O Lord my strength, my hiding place,
My refuge in distress,
To you the nations all will trace,
Each people tribe and tongue.
Our fathers' gods were false they say
By idols led astray
And we too make our gods of clay
Mere idols still, not gods.
For God on high shines forth to teach
His pow'r and might will reach
To every place his heralds preach
To show his name - the LORD.
0 comment(s) Labels: Hymn, Jeremiah
0 comment(s) Labels: Hymn, Romans 7
0 comment(s) Labels: 82 bus, poem
0 comment(s) Labels: poem, That night
0 comment(s) Labels: In your arms, poem, Video
Some years ago I wrote these words to the tune you can find here
I don't believe in limbo
But I am there I know,
You're far away
Where? You never say.
And I wonder ...
Why did you say you love me?
Yet you don't call on me.
I still love you
And I need you so.
Do you still love me?
I suppose it's just the way things go for me
But I still love you
Why can't we be together?
Why must we be apart?
Why can't it be -
You and me again
Let's end this misery.
0 comment(s) Labels: poem, Pop song
0 comment(s) Labels: Hymn, poem, prayer, sunrise
0 comment(s) Labels: Attention wandering, poem
0 comment(s) Labels: Four minutes, poem
Sometimes, it seems to me,
I can be
Master, faster, clearer, brother,
Longer, stronger, purer, lover,
Than any on earth.
This I call confidence,
The other despair
Sometimes, it seems to me,
I must be
Lower, slower, coarser, dimmer
Sneaker, weaker, liar, sinner,
Than any on earth.
This I call humbling,
The other sheer pride.
How can I
Meekly inherit earth,
Not overestimate my worth?
Not knowing,
I keep going.
0 comment(s) Labels: Perplex, poem