Snow drops

I saw the snowdrops pure and white,
I knew they'd won their fight.
The winter's gone
The sun shines strong,
Despite a sniping wind.

Now may the King of glory reign,
I know he'll win again -
The devil gone,
My heart made strong
Despite temptation's sting.

I love the snowdrops' hint of Spring,
I love you Jesus, King,
Death defeated,
Sin depleted,
Soon all his praise shall sing.

Unfinished piece

I once met a man who never finished his ... you know ...

So unlike me! I finish everything I do.
Even when I am writing like this, it's still true,
It's never left until ....

(I must get this finished one day)

All encompassing

An accident in the occident left my dented boat storm tossed,
Disoriented in the orient - I thought that I was lost.
With a murderer in meridion I chased some Somalis
But in Septentrionalis I slept in a tree in Ali's.


Doing the math

At sixes and sevens
It doesn't add up
My multiple problems
Begin to mount up.

How can I be equal
To all that's ahead?
What will be the sequel -
The end that I dread?

Subtracted, divided
Decimated, beat,
I stand here derided,
Thrown down in defeat.

We'll not be outnumbered
With God on our side
Where one is a hundred,
The Seed multiplied.

So look to the Father
And turn to the Son.
Rely on the Spirit
The great Three in One.


You have the oversight
Not to look down on their deeds.
You have the oversight
Not to overlook their needs
You have the oversight,
A good shepherd feeds.

I haven't got time

I haven't got time to write this poem
I haven't got time to put it down
I'm too busy living to write a good poem
I'm living it out, living it up.

If you have the time to read this poem
Or if you just want to put it down
Then how about your living a poem instead?
So very soon we will both be dead.

When I was a boy

When I was a boy
My life was filled with joy
Every single time
I'd make my poems rhyme.
But now that I'm a man
My life is filled with pain
And poems just won't rhyme
But I guess it doesn't really matter all that much.


Psalm 56

My God, show mercy, I'm distressed
By foes in hot pursuit;
They all day their attack have pressed.
They all day persecute.

Many attack me, in their pride,
Afraid, I'm trusting on,
On God whose word is to be praised.
I trust in God - fear's gone.

What can mere mortals do to me?
They twist my words all day;
Their schemes they all intend to be
My crumbling and decay.

They plot, they lurk, my steps they see,
They hope my life to take.
They're wicked, wrong, don't set them free;
In wrath, God, nations break.

Record my mis'ry; write what's found,
My tears list on your scroll.
Are all my cries not written down,
Yes, all my tears, the whole?

Then he'll turn back, my enemy,
When I call out for aid.
By this I'll know that God's for me,
God's for me, whose word's praised.

In God, whose word I praise each day,
Your word I praise, Lord, true.
In God I trust, fear won't hold sway,
What to me can they do?

I'm under vows, my God, to you;
Thank-off'rings let there be
Giv'n to you, for you're the one who
From death has rescued me.

From stumbling you have freed my feet
That I may walk before,
Before you God and in the light
Of life for evermore.

Insights within my scope

My life is like a stethoscope,
I sometimes wonder how I'll cope.
I'm ignorant of all around,
Yet within, I hear each sound.

My life is like a microscope,
I sometimes wonder how I'll cope.
Little things seem to grow in size,
Then tears start to fill my eyes.

My life is like a periscope,
I sometimes wonder how I'll cope.
Everything is so up and down,
Every smile becomes a frown.

My life is like a telescope,
I sometimes wonder how I'll cope.
My future is so very clear,
But I cannot face what's near.

My life is like a k'leidoscope,
I sometimes wonder how I'll cope.
The colours are all so vivid
But life itself is livid.

My life is like a spectrosope,
I sometimes wonder how I'll cope.
Somehow all life's competing strands
They make too many demands.

My life is like an oscilloscope,
I sometimes wonder how I'll cope.
See how fast my heartbeat can change
Watch how I cover the range.

Fragment 1

Took me as I was,
Took my life.
He who gave it all,
He's the one that I'm
Living for.
There's none on earth that
I love more.